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APS Nutrition Beta Alanine is a dietary supplement that provides 250 servings of beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid, which means that it is naturally produced by the body and can also be obtained through dietary sources. This particular product is designed to support enhanced physical performance.


Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1/2 Teaspoon
Servings Per Container: 250
Amount Per Serving:
CarnoSyn Beta Alanine 2g

APS Nutrition Beta Alanine

$49.99 Prix original
$29.99Prix promotionnel
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  • Directions: To optimize strength and endurance and maximize muscle carnosine levels, consume 1 serving before and after your workout.On off days, consume one serving in the morning and again in the afternoon.


    Warning: Do not take if pregnant or lactating. Consult your physician before this or any dietary supplement. This nonessential amino acid increases the lactate threshold, which is the limiting factor in most training sessions. The buildup of lactic acid often prevents you from reaching your strength goals as your muscles begin to fatigue. With Beta-Alanine your training threshold is increased and your limitations can finally be broken down. Beta-Alanine can help increases your training capacity allowing you to train harder, stronger and longer than your last workout. Push through every rep and increase that weight! Beta-Alanine can improve muscular strength and endurance to provide a make powerful training session. With Beta-Alanine you can pump out every rep to the max and push through those plateaus. Experience the sensation of achieving your goals and pushing through them. It's within your reach with Beta-Alanie.

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